Zinc Supplementation Protocol

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    Frank Fu

    One of the essentials for testosterone optimization is zinc. Zinc helps with magnesium. Take zinc in the morning and magnesium more towards the evening has always been preached.

    RBC zinc test recommendation to be over 1,400 ug/dl or 14mg/L.

    1) What is a zinc supplement recommendation protocol?
    2) Which zinc chelates are more absorbable by the body?

    Thank you.

    Ryan Faehnle

    Great question. I recently saw a paper that showed that a zinc gluconate lozenge replenished zinc much better than a capsule, so I would go with an oral absorption form of zinc gluconate like a lozenge or a zinc tally oral solution of zinc sulfate. Dosage would range based on how low blood test scores were, but a range of 10mg per day for mildly deficient folks to 50mg per day for severe zinc deficiency would do the trick.

    Bryan Sauder

    Ryan, where have you looked at lozenges for Zinc?


    Ryan Faehnle

    Hey Bryan, you can find them at any drugstore! I’ve been using one with elderberry in it lately, Sambucol.

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