80/20 Real World Strength & Athleticism Muscles

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  • #1069
    Alexander Chaney

    I was thinking about all the main athletic movement patterns and looking for commonalities in the musculature involved.

    Just to put them out there, these can include:
    Running & Jumping
    Lifting & Carrying
    Throwing & Catching

    If one were to apply the 80/20 principle, a strong grip and posterior chain could be considered the base to strengthen for the majority of human movement patterns.

    Any thoughts?

    Daniel Mattison

    I would be sure to include your scapular movements in the posterior chain and then say yes. So powell raises and external rotation of the shoulder and MUCH would be covered. But there would also be a lot of holes. 80/20 arguments end up becoming philosophical pissing contests. So it’s often better to just shift programming around to make sure all the bases are covered.

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